The “F” Word


Fitness may same like a four letter word to some but to others its the perfect escape from the hum drum of daily life.  I used to be like the first group, I thought “eww working out?? That is SOOO not me”, but with time I have actually grown to enjoy it, to the point where I did my first 5K and joined a rec volleyball league!

I remember my first little spark of interest into the fitness world came in grade 12 when a friend (and fellow blogger of Here is Motherhood) and I would go to the gym and have little mini races on the treadmill.  I remember by the end of the school year I could run for 20-30 minutes without stopping, which for me NEVER happens, even now.  Once I got into college my exercise and fitness levels dropped, I had stopped having phys. ed. classes everyday, I stopped going to the gym, and I ate anything that was quick and handy (hello campus cafeteria!).  From grade 12 to the end of four years of college I gained almost 80 pounds! Stepping on the scale was a nightmare, causing panic attacks and self-loathing.  It wasn’t until approximately 2 years ago that I actually did something to stop the weight gain and to gain my health back.  I restarted my membership at the gym, hired a personal trainer for 2-3 sessions a week and I started to be more conscious of what I put in my mouth.  Everything was going great, I was feeling healthier, lost 20 pounds and was actually starting to feel comfortable in my own skin, until my trainer got a different job and sold her gym. I was then put to the task of can I do this on my own?  Can I push myself as hard as she pushed me?  I never thought I could, because I lose interest quickly or tell myself well I don’t have to go to the gym today.  That is when my former trainer suggested I join her bootcamp classes that she was still holding.  Great, I signed up for twice a week bootcamp class.  I stuck with it for 2 sessions, took one off because my schedule was too crazy and then I signed up for the outdoor session. I thought the outdoor session would be awesome, I would work on my tan, get fresh air and get an amazing workout in, until I fell down a couple stairs and badly twisted my ankle.  I managed to finish that session (each session is 6 weeks) but decided I would wait until the classes were held indoors again because I cannot afford to get injured again. 

So now this pretty much brings us up to the present day.  I have rejoined bootcamp twice a week (when my work schedules permit) and was convinced to join a recreational volleyball league that is held once a week for the next 6 months.  In between getting injured in bootcamp and taking the summer off, I completed my first 5K run in Saskatoon in September.  I had trained a couple times a week leading up to the run so I wouldn’t look like a complete idiot on the course, BUT it was definitely not enough because as soon as I hit the brisk outdoor air my lungs seized up and I couldn’t breathe and run at the same time.  It bummed me out but I still managed to finish in 40 minutes which is a personal best.  I am sort of hooked on these fun 5K’s now, and I am constantly looking for the next one to sign up for.

The whole point of this post is to show you, the reader, that anything is possible. Life will throw you unexpected twists and you just have to figure out what they mean and don’t let them defeat you, let them empower you instead. Remember, life is anything but boring!

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